понедельник, 4 ноября 2013 г.
Презентація послуг інформаційно-ресурсного центру «Вікно в Америку» у 2 гуманітарній гімназії м. Миколаєва
четверг, 29 августа 2013 г.
Dear friends,
I'd like to present you an exhibition dedicated to education in the United States.
As you know Window on America center is also a reference center of the EducationUSA network. You can find a lot of information concerning educational opportunities in the USA in our center and also get brochures and flyers straight from the US universities.
среда, 17 июля 2013 г.
English Language Program in Florida
English Language Program for the 2013 Fall Semester in Florida - ½ off the tuition!
We have a limited time offer from the University of North Florida (UNF) English Language Program. Students interested in studying at the UNF English Language Program for the 2013 Fall Semester have the opportunity to receive ½ off their tuition if they recruit a friend or family member to enroll for the same semester.
Tuition for the Fall 2013 semester at the ELP is $3,950 USD. If a student recruits a friend or family member to come to UNF and study with them for that semester, their tuition will be reduced to $1,975 USD.
We have a limited time offer from the University of North Florida (UNF) English Language Program. Students interested in studying at the UNF English Language Program for the 2013 Fall Semester have the opportunity to receive ½ off their tuition if they recruit a friend or family member to enroll for the same semester.
Tuition for the Fall 2013 semester at the ELP is $3,950 USD. If a student recruits a friend or family member to come to UNF and study with them for that semester, their tuition will be reduced to $1,975 USD.
More information on the UNF English Language Program can be found on our website: http://www.unf.edu/intlctr/elp/IEP_About.aspx
понедельник, 8 июля 2013 г.
I Have a Dream Contest
I Have a Dream for Ukraine
English Speech and Essay Contest
This August 28th
marks the 50th anniversary of the famous “I Have a Dream” speech by Martin
Luther King Jr. In his speech Dr. King spoke of his vision of an America where
people would be “judged on the content of their character and not the color of
their skin.” Dr. King talked about freedom and equal rights for ALL Americans.
His speech was a turning point in American history as we struggled to grow into
a country that provided equal opportunity for every citizen. The journey begun
by Dr. King and his many followers has not been an easy one. But every journey
starts with a single step and the best ones include a dream of where the
journey will lead. In the spirit of the 50th anniversary of Dr. King’s speech,
the Regional English Language Office at the U.S. Embassy Kyiv would like to
invite students in Ukraine to share their dream for their country with us.
Please write an essay (in English) on “I Have a Dream for Ukraine.” We will
read your essays and invite five entrants to read their speeches at the U.S.
Embassy in Kyiv on August 28, 2013. Selection of speeches will be based on the
originality and creativity of your Ukrainian Dream. Dreams and words have the
power to change the world. We want to hear yours!
The contest is open
for all Ukrainian students between the ages of 14-22.
Submit your essay by
August 15, 2013 (1000 words or less) and any questions or comments to:
четверг, 4 июля 2013 г.
вторник, 11 июня 2013 г.
Pre-departure orientation
Are you accepted to the U.S. college or university for fall 2013 (or spring 2014)? Take part in PRE-DEPARTURE ORIENTATION!
When: June 14, 2013, 9 AM-14.15 PM
Where: Kyiv EducationUSA Advising Center
Pre-Departure Orientation is a special event held annually at our center. This is your unique opportunity to meet other students accepted for fall 2013 as well as EducationUSA alumni.
We've compiled a great program for you:
· academic life in the US;
· useful tips on travel and living in the US;
· campus life,
· cultural differences and adjustment
One of the highlights includes session on Student Visas by Consular Section of the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv.
To register for this event, please fill out the following form: http://bit.ly/kUeCbR
Participation is free of charge and upon registration only!
Kyiv EducationUSA team
четверг, 30 мая 2013 г.
среда, 22 мая 2013 г.
вторник, 14 мая 2013 г.
“American English” app for mobile devices
SUMMARY: The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) is pleased to announce the new, free "American English" (AE) mobile application. The app provides American English language learning and teaching resources through an easy-to-navigate, smartphone-like interface for lower-end mobile devices.You can download the app at http://m.binu.com/ae
понедельник, 29 апреля 2013 г.
понедельник, 8 апреля 2013 г.
понедельник, 25 марта 2013 г.
вторник, 19 марта 2013 г.
Represent Your US University at the EducationUSA Alumni Education Fairs in Donetsk and Ivano-Frankivsk
Dear Alumni of U.S. Universities,
Would you like to represent your U.S. alma mater in Ukraine? Share your U.S. university experience with Ukrainians? Guide interested young people to a rich and rewarding educational experience in the U.S.? It's easy!
WHO: Alumni (American or Ukrainian) of U.S. higher education institutions
WHAT: EducationUSA Alumni/Higher Education Fair
is the time to express interest in participating so that the shipment of recruitment materials from your alma mater can be arranged in time for the fair itself. The deadline for signing up is March 25 to allow for shipping time.
WHERE: Donetsk (Venue TBD) and Ivano Frankivsk (Venue TBD)
WHY: Why not?
Feel free to be in touch with me with questions about this opportunity. To learn more about EducationUSA in Ukraine, visiteducationusa.info/Ukraine.
среда, 6 марта 2013 г.
Intensive English Language Immersion Program
Jamestown Community College (JCC), part of the State University of New York system (SUNY), will offer an intensive English Language Immersion Program from July 22 through August 9, 2013 for the sixth summer. This is a non-credit study of the English language including grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation as well as cultural orientation. Cultural excursions to Niagara Falls and other regional destinations will be featured.
The cost of $2,700 (U.S.) includes housing, tuition, textbooks, insurance, meals, and scheduled activities. Travel and personal expenses are not included. Additional details and a complete application are available at:www.sunyjcc.edu/international/immersion.
среда, 6 февраля 2013 г.
Fulbright Faculty Development Program Competition
Триває прийом заявок на черговий щорічний конкурс за Програмою імені Фулбрайта
для молодих викладачів та дослідників/Fulbright Faculty Development Program
Кінцевий термін подання заявок - 31 березня 2013
Шановні колеги,
Нагадуємо Вам про те, що до 31 березня 2013 р. триває прийом заявок на черговий щорічний конкурс за Програмою імені Фулбрайта для молодих викладачів та дослідників/Fulbright Faculty Development Program.
Програма пропонує можливість проведення досліджень в університетах США впродовж одного академічного року. У конкурсі можуть брати участь особи віком до 40 років з дворічним професійним досвідом: викладачі; аспіранти та дослідники, які ще не мають наукового ступеня; кандидати наук (не пізніше 5-ти років після захисту); адміністратори вищих навчальних закладів; співробітники науково-дослідних установ; журналісти; фахівці з бібліотечної, музейної та архівної справи; спеціалісти у сфері управління культурою; працівники громадських організацій (НДО).
Аби увиразнити уявлення про Програму, радимо переглянути відгуки учасників минулих років, що розміщені на сторінкахФулбрайтівських Щорічників та на Fulbright Ukraine у Facebook. Також пропонуємо ознайомитись з описами наукових проектів цьогорічних стипендіатів, які викладено у Фулбрайтівському віснику 2012/13 .
MiraCosta Community College
Friends, let me introduce Andrii Gurenko. He is an international student from Ukraine. Right now he is studying in MiraCosta Community College (USA, California)
Besides being a student Andrii is also working as a blogger for MiraCosa.He'd like to introduce his blog as a guidance for the all future students who are planning to study abroad in USA.
Here's a direct link: http://blogs.miracosta.edu/andrii/
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