среда, 28 февраля 2018 г.

English Class for Beginners!

Mykolaiv Window on America Center had the English Class for Beginners on the 28th of February.

At the begining of the lesson students read their essays "My room" and told how they spended 
their weekend. After thats they repeated the topic "Present Continuous" and did a lot ofexercises.
They played an interesting guessing game "Describing someone in the classroom using Present
Contunuous and adjective" and "Taboo game".
Nasiba was our leader and 12 students took part in this class!

вторник, 27 февраля 2018 г.

English Mafia Party!

Mykolaiv Window on America Center had the English Mafia Party on the 27th of February with our good American friend and volunteer Thomas R.
If you want to practice in English - this game is  for you!
14 participants took part in this event!

English Class for Beginners!

Mykolaiv Window on America Center had the English Class for Beginners on the 27th of February.

At the begining of the lesson students checked their hometask. After thats they watched and
 discussed  short interesting video "Two ukuleles = better than one." Then they did a lot of exesises in Past Continuos Tense. Also they played interesting games "Games-past tense" and "Clothers".
Elena P. was our leader and 12 students took part in this class.

понедельник, 26 февраля 2018 г.

English Book Club!

Mykolaiv Window on America Center had the English Book Club with a Peace Corps volunteer Melanie Graham on the 26th of February. 
Our participants discussed a book "A young doctor's notebook" by M.Bulgakov (1963). Using a sharply realistic and humorous style, Bulgakov reveals his doubts about his own competence and the immense burden of responsibility, as he deals with a superstitious and poorly educated people struggling to enter the modern age. This acclaimed collection represents some of Bulgakov's most personal and insightful observations on youth, isolation and progress.
5 participants took part in this English Book Club.

воскресенье, 25 февраля 2018 г.

Заняття з програмування для дітей Сode Club.

25 лютого у бібліотечному ресурсному центрі "Вікно в Америку"  відбулося заняття з програмування для дітей Сode Club.
Нашим лідером був cтудент факультету комп'ютерних  технологій  Чорноморського національного університету імені Петра Могили  Анатолій Дудка, який розповів дітям про історію створення та принципи роботи мережі Інтернет, мови програмування, роботу серверів, оперативну пам'ять комп'ютерів
На  занятті були присутні  10 дітей. 

English Class for Kids!

Mykolaiv Window on America Center had the English Class for Kids on the 25th of February.
At the begining of the lesson children repeated words from previous topic  "Transport", played game "Guess the type of transport". 
After that they had a new topic "My room" and learned the new words related to the topic. Also they did a lot of interesting exercises and played an interesting game "Decribe a room".
At the and of the lesson they started reading a fairytale "Little Red Riding Hood". 
Kateryna B.  was a leader  and 10 small сhildren took part in the lesson.

четверг, 22 февраля 2018 г.

English Class for Beginners!

Mykolaiv Window on America Center had the English Class for Beginners on the 22nd of February.

At the begining of the lesson students read their essays about favourite kind of sports. 
Also they did a lot of  exercises and practise in Sequence of Tenses.
After thats they watched and discussed short interesting videos 
"Two ukuleles" and "I am a knitting
man". They played an interesting guessing game "Guess words".
Larisa S. was our leader and 15 students took part in this class!