воскресенье, 20 августа 2017 г.

English Speaking Club!

On the 20th of August at the Mykolaiv Window on America Center was the English Speaking Club!

Together with our leader and volunteer  Warren DeSouza from Canada we were speaking about "Human dependency on technology".

At the beginning of the meeting he has asked our members "Why  different technologies are very popular in different areas of life?" "Would participants be able to live without using different types of technology and social networks?", "What do participants think about robots? Do people need it?
Our visitors`ve played the game. They want to have in the future: a 3D food printer, a time machine, a teleporter, сlothes that can change color and that does not need to be washed and ironed, new types of medicine, an umbrella that makes the weather, flying drones for people, fork or spoon counting calories and a lot of useful and interesting.
Then the participants read and discussed the words "First World Technology Problems Song" performed by Zoe Ann.

The participants in the conversational club agreed that technology should be developed and improved and be useful for people.
There were 21 participants.

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